Graham Hancock – How Was The Biggest Pyramid Ever Built? | Blowing-Up History: Seven Wonders

Graham Hancock - How Was The Biggest Pyramid Ever Built? | Blowing-Up History: Seven Wonders

According to Graham Hancock there are a Lot of hidden and unexplained facts About the Great Pyramid of Cholula Because there are so many questions About this ancient structure that no one Can explain despite its colossal size it Remained hidden under a mountain-like Hill for centuries leading many to Wonder how such a massive structure Could be overlooked the pyramid Contained a Labyrinth of tunnels the Full extent and purpose of which are Still fully not understood moreover the Identity of its Builders and the reason For its sudden abandonment without any Signs of conflict or natural disaster Remain elusive making the Great Pyramid Of Cholula a captivating archaeological Mystery and among the many Mysteries Graham has sought to unravel is the age Of the Great Pyramid of Cholula by Delving into Hancock's arguments Surrounding the pyramid's age and Juxtaposing them against traditional Archaeological perspectives we find Ourselves in a stimulating debate about The very fabric of human history the Great Pyramid of Cholula also known as Laptop stands proud as the world's Largest pyramid in terms of volume Nestled in the heart of Mexico it harks Back to the ancient city of cholua which Was a pivotal religious and Trade Center In mesoamerica while the exact date of

Its construction remains a matter of Academic debate the mainstream Archaeological consensus pegs its Inception at around 300 BC attributing Its Evolution to multiple construction Phases spanning several centuries at the Heart of Hancock's discourse is the Conviction that Humanity's past is far More intricate than what's popularly Accepted he posits the existence of Advanced ancient civilizations now lost To the sands of time which possibly Possess the knowledge and technological Prowess rivaling if not surpassing Subsequent epochs of human history Transposing this hypothesis to the Great Pyramid of Cholula Hancock suggests that Its origin might predate the Traditionally accepted timeline key to Hancock's argument is archaeoastronomy Ancient monuments he asserts were often Aligned with celestial bodies reflecting A deep understanding of the cosmos if The cholua pyramid or its surrounding Structures demonstrate such Celestial Alignments which correspond to an Earlier Epoch it could be indicative of A more ancient Genesis Further fueling this idea is the Observation of architectural and design Parallels between The Spar and ancient Cultures Should the chalua pyramid showcase Elements reminiscent of much older

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Structures from other parts of the world It could hint at a shared ancient wisdom Or even a common source of inspiration Another fascinating facet of Hancock's Methodology is his reverence for Cultural narratives and legends rather Than dismissing them as mere myths Hancock views local Traditions stories And oral histories as potential Windows Into the past indigenous accounts if They allude to a more ancient origin for The pyramid might carry fragments of Historical truths long overlooked by Conventional study in addition the Earliest known inhabitants of Cholula Were the olmecs who may have built the First version of the Great Pyramid of Cholula right around 300 BC the Olmec Civilization often revered as the mother Culture of mesoamerica holds a pivotal Position in the tapestry of ancient Societies emerging is the first major Civilization in the region they laid the Groundwork for subsequent societies such As the Maya and the Aztec originating in The tropical lowlands of what is now Known as modern-day Mexico the all mechs Became the Bears of a cultural and Religious Legacy that would influence Mesoamerica for centuries delving into The intricacies of their size and Population provides insights into their Societal complexity and vitality Situated primarily in the Lush

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Environments of Veracruz and Tabasco the Olmec civilization was characterized by Its Urban centers with San Lorenzo La Venta and trezzapote's being its most Prominent these hubs became the Nexus of Administrative religious and trade Activities echoing the pulse of the Olmec way of life while the almac Heartland might not seem expansive when Juxtaposed with later Empires its Influence permeated an area of about 18 000 square kilometers showcasing its Geographical importance Estimating the all-mag population Remains a formidable task for Scholars Given the vast epochs that separate us And the limited records at our disposal However archaeological Endeavors and the Analysis of settlement patterns grant us Some perspective San Lorenzo during its Heyday might have Been a bustling center with a population Ranging between 5500 to 7 000 Inhabitants Following San Lorenzo's decline laventa Rose to prominence potentially housing a Similar or even larger population Tres zapotes recognized as one of the Last significant Olmec strongholds Witnessed fluctuating population figures Reflective of its evolving history Beyond these epicenters a myriad of Smaller communities and settlements Dotted the landscape contributing to the

Overall demographic Cumulatively the almec heartlands Population added Zenith could have Hovered anywhere from fifty thousand to One hundred thousand individuals the Dynamism of the almec population can be Attributed to a Confluence of factors The Region's environment characterized By fertile planes and abundant water Sources ensured a robust agricultural Output with Maize beans and squash Forming the Staples This agricultural Bounty provided the Foundation for sustained growth with That the almex engagement and expansive Trade networks bolstered their economy And facilitated urbanization The Monumental artistic and religious Endeavors of the olmecs exemplified by Their colossal heads and ceremonial Centers underscore the central role of Religious activities in society Potentially drawing people for Myriad Reasons from spiritual to administrative Also dedicated to the deity each phase Of the chalua pyramid's construction Weaves a story of the air has gone by Central to the pyramid's construction Were its materials Adobe bricks form the Heart of the structure made from Sun-dried mud mixed with straw Adobe was A favorite of Mesoamerican Builders Not Only was it abundantly available but its Lightweight properties also made it an

Architect's Delight easing Transportation and construction woes Adobe's excellent thermal Characteristics ensured the pyramid's Interior remained relatively temperate a Function as much as form But the pyramid wasn't just amount of Bricks the corps once said was sheathed In thick layers of mud to provide a Smooth exterior ready to be embellished With the artistic expressions of the age Frescoes carvings and intricate patterns Adorn the outer layer revealing insights Into the religious beliefs and cultural Narratives of the cholulan people While Adobe might have been the star it Wasn't the sole material in the play Stones sourced from nearby quarries lent Themselves to the creation of staircases Altars and other pivotal structural Components Binding everything together was mud and Clay ensuring a sturdy and resilient Build To provide an aesthetic finish stucco a Plastic concoction of lime and sand was Layered over the mud This smooth surface wasn't just about Aesthetics it offered a canvas for the Vibrant frescoes that depicted Tales of Gods Heroes and the cosmos These colors weren't conjured out of Thin air They were the product of meticulous

Extraction from minerals plants and Insects further showcasing their Indigenous knowledge of the era Furthermore what's especially striking About this Monument is its remarkable State of preservation which stems from a Confluence of factors that range from Its construction techniques to cultural Reverence At first glance one of the pyramid's Most unique preservation aspects is its Natural protection Unlike the Stark and exposed facades of Its Egyptian counterparts much of the Great Pyramid of Cholula remains hidden Beneath the blanket of Earth and Vegetation this protective Veil over Time metamorphosized the period into a Hill-like structure shielding it from The harshness of the elements and Preventing erosion this natural disguise Not only camouflaged the pyramid for Potential Invaders but also from the Ravages of time itself complementing This natural protection in the cultural Continuity and reverence associated with The site Cholula has always been a Beacon for religious pilgrimage and Significance As eons passed various Mesoamerican Cultures from the toltecs to the Mexico Held this pyramid in high regard instead Of supplanting the site's significance Each civilization added to its Legacy

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Ensuring its continued maintenance and Protection The layers of reverence from successful Civilizations have quite literally added Layers to the pyramid itself this Layering brings us to the indigenous Construction techniques employed by the Ancient mesoamericans instead of Dismantling or reconstructing older Structures the people built around and Over them this method not only expanded The pyramid's volume but embedded within It a structural Integrity where each Subsequent layer reinforced the previous Thus the pyramid grew and solidified Becoming a time capsule of overlapping Errors and beliefs in recent times the Pyramid's Allure has only magnified Leading to Modern conservation efforts As archaeologists Unearthed its Significance there was a concerted push To protect restore and study the site in Detail Balancing tourism with preservation the Contemporary world has recognized the Need to keep this historical gem intact For future Generations Lastly the pyramids preservation is a Testament to both local and Global Recognition of its importance the site's Reputation has transcended National Borders attracting attention and Dedication from International entities Focused on cultural preservation

Moreover Graham Hancock suggests that There was a highly Advanced now Lost Civilization that existed more than 12 000 years ago Civilization according to him had Knowledge and technologies that are Still perplexing to us today cataclysmic Events possibly linked to the end of the Last ice age led to the downfall of this Ancient civilization however its Survivors traveled the world passing Down their knowledge to nascent cultures Leading to sudden and advanced Developments in these cultures this Theory while not widely accepted by Mainstream archaeologists and historians Has gained a vast following due to the Compelling narrative Hancock presents in His books and lectures when one applies This perspective to the Great Pyramid of Cholula The Narrative could suggest that Such ancient structures may have been Influenced by the remnants of this Lost Civilization also Elon Musk has Expressed an interest in ancient Civilizations particularly the ancient Egyptians he's tweeted about the Pyramids suggesting that they've been Built with the help of alien technology He also said that he believes there may Have been other Advanced civilizations On Earth that have since disappeared in A 2023 interview with Joe Rogan musk Said I think there's a good chance there

Are other Advanced civilizations on Earth that have since disappeared we Just don't have any evidence of them Because they were wiped out by something Like a natural disaster or a war Muscus also said that he believes it's Important to study ancient civilizations In order to learn from their mistakes And avoid repeating them he said I think It's important to study ancient Civilizations because they can teach us A lot about ourselves they can teach us About the mistakes we've made in the Past and how to avoid making them again That's it for today subscribe to our Channel and hit the notification Bell

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